Monday 20 September 2010

The start of my research...

To begin my research I put together some ideas of things that thrillers include, types of thrillers and themes that follow through most thrillers making them engaging, tense and thrilling to watch.

Similarities I came across doing my research was mystery, and making people look mysterious. Directors use the effect of silhouettes or only showing parts of people’s bodies, but keeping the faces hidden, to keep the viewers questioning what’s happening on the screen whilst building tension of which the character is going to be or what different settings characters could be at, and so on.

Suspense is also a key aspect to thrillers as they build up to an important part of the film. This can be done through music, pauses and silence. Also, a theme that follows through different thrillers is villains. Whether it is a person, creature or unknown, the villain seems to drive the plot of the movie.

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