Friday 18 February 2011

Evaluation pt1

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Evaluation pt2

Question 2:

How does my media product represent certain social groups?

Our thriller shows gender as we have only two actors, a boy and a girl.

 We are showing the male role in a negative light, and the female in a positive one. This is stereo typing the male actor suggesting that men could be more mentally unstable than women. An example of this could be shown in The Shining (watch clip) where the man is shown to be mad and irrational. 

I used  a white ethnic group for our film. They are both shown in normal clothes, to give a natural and realistic look to the scene and are in a rural setting when they are together, in the flash backs. However, when the male actor, Sid, does the scene in an isolated and deserted room. he is also wearing normal clothes, but we use props to show his character in a different light. 
We show sexuality in the thriller through a straight couple, to show a torn relationship. They are 16 years old, middle class, and are portrayed to seem this way. 

We used a stereotypical looking girl and boy in our thriller. the girl was shown is smart girls clothes and the male charecter was wearing a shirt, jacket and trousers. representing typical teenagers.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Thriller Conventions


When filming our "sick"scene and the "hearing voices" scene we re-winded the tape midway through to see how it looked and without thinking, we did not forward it, which left us with half of the shots wee needed. Making it nessecary for us to film the sequence again.

We also had a problem with continuity because during filming our actpr ctu his hair. It was to late to re film the whole sequence so instead we tried to get Sid to cover his ears as much as possoble and use camera angles that would not hilight his hair.


I asked some of my fellow classmates what they thought of my thriller, and asked them to write it down...
They told me it was;
'good, the sick looked really realistic' 
'interesting shots, different effects and many parts seemed realistic'
'it was aright, i liked the wonky camera'
'i didn't like the acting, but i liked the use of handheld shots'
'the titles were good, and so was the music'
Overall, I was really happy with the feedback i got from my piers. 

Using Sound with Images

When filming we had to match the sound with the images. We were unable to use a sound bridge as the music was playing throughout the film. However, we could match the pace of the music to the clips. I changed the shot through sections of the music where there was a predominant beat so the music could align with the shots.


The speed of edditing in my thriller opening is very quick. The transitions i have used are dissolve and fade in. I attempted to use some others, like slide and page peel, however this did not fit in with the film and film. It also made it look tacky. 

Using the right material for a thriller ;

Holding a shot steady, framing shots and shot distances

Group organization and roles

Sid Taylor - Actor
Harley Mason - Brief Acting and Editing
Tyra Huggins - Editing and Camera work
Sam Conway - Directing

These were the main roles of our group, however, throughout filming we all took part doing a bit of filming, editing and camera use.

Props and Actors

We only used two actors in our thriller, Myself and Sid Taylor. There was a variety of props we used to create our thriller and the effects that were produced in it. Here are the props we used.

Digestive bisctuits and lemonade - sick
Powder paint and a hairdryer - smoke
Acrylic paint, water and ink - blood
Photo and a lighter - setting the photograph on fire


A poster to promote the movie:

I created this poster using the Microsoft Publisher programme. I decided to keep it dark and simple, and to make the title red from maximum impact. The slogan "Revenge. Like you've never seen it before" is in a sinister font to hint to the viewer that it would be a thriller/horror movie. The red colouring for the title of the film is bright an eye catching to get peoples attention and attract people to see the film.

Description of production process:


Camera Work


The theme of my film is a gory thriller. We tried to use basic props and settings (scary room), to make the film look realistic and spooky.