Friday 18 February 2011

Evaluation pt2

Question 2:

How does my media product represent certain social groups?

Our thriller shows gender as we have only two actors, a boy and a girl.

 We are showing the male role in a negative light, and the female in a positive one. This is stereo typing the male actor suggesting that men could be more mentally unstable than women. An example of this could be shown in The Shining (watch clip) where the man is shown to be mad and irrational. 

I used  a white ethnic group for our film. They are both shown in normal clothes, to give a natural and realistic look to the scene and are in a rural setting when they are together, in the flash backs. However, when the male actor, Sid, does the scene in an isolated and deserted room. he is also wearing normal clothes, but we use props to show his character in a different light. 
We show sexuality in the thriller through a straight couple, to show a torn relationship. They are 16 years old, middle class, and are portrayed to seem this way. 

We used a stereotypical looking girl and boy in our thriller. the girl was shown is smart girls clothes and the male charecter was wearing a shirt, jacket and trousers. representing typical teenagers.

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