Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progress from it to the product?
As I view my preliminary task for what I have learnt my camera work has improved considerably. We improved how we used the tripod, using panning shots, and keeping the shots steady and alligned.
There has also beenimprovements made in the sound and sound quality from my preliminary task to my thriller opening. In the preliminary task we had problems with matching up the sound and voices, but in the thriller we worked out how to change the voiced, take sound away, and put sound into places where it was nessesary.
The accuracy of our scenes was also greatly impoved by the handling of the camera for the shots. For our prelimanary excersise we were not as used to using the camera, tripod or software, and therefore mad it look messy. The frames were not set up as well, and you can tell this by the mise en scene
* the charecters possitioning, for example, the high angle shot looking down on the charecter (myself) as she was laying down.
* lighting, this varied through the preliminary task through shots, however, we kept it the same throughout out thriller as we changed the lighing using the effects tool.
* costume, hair and makeup, through the preliminary task we gave little thought to these things, but in our triller we took the time to make sure the charecters dress and make up like the bleeding hands were done correctly.
* facial expressions and body language, there was poor acting used in the preliminary task, but as we filmed out thriller it considerably improved.
* props, as we were not aware of continuity errors.
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